If you are a plant lover or a person who likes to explore nature or wildlife then installing plant apps that helps you to identify the plant will make your task easy. There are many plant identification apps available both for Android and ios. In addition to plant identification mobile apps also focus on many other particular things like indoor plants, wildflowers, mushrooms, weeds, medicinal plants, flowers, trees, vegetables, and many more. There are also many other mobile apps related to garden management, journals, watering reminder, and plant care.
Finding the name of the outdoor plant and indoor plant which has no specific features is challenging. Most garden enthusiasts will face this situation many times in their life. Finding their names using google search or search engines is also difficult since the plants do not have a distinctive feature. In this situation, the gardeners can use the plant apps to identify the name of the plant.

Plant apps are not only useful for gardeners. It can also be used by explorers, common people, biologists, researchers, professors, and students. Mainly people who used to go into the wild place compulsorily need these plant apps to differentiate the toxic plants from the edible ones. In this blog let us discuss some top-rated or helpful mobile plant apps for gardeners and also the special features of the app.
The main purpose of all the plant apps listed below is to find the name of the plant from the plant photo.

- PlantNet Plant Identification
If you want a simple mobile plant app that helps you in identifying the name of the plant simply by taking the photograph then you must use Pl@ntNet mobile plant app. This mobile app is very simple to use. You can take a photograph of the plant directly from the app or upload a photo that you have already saved in your gallery to find out the name of it. This app will help you to find the name of the plant from the photo of its bark, fruit, flower, leaves, and other parts also.
After uploading the app will give the results related to it and then you can choose one that is similar to your photo. At present, the PlantNet Plant identification can identify 20,000 plant species and they are also adding data continuously.
In addition to the wild plants, the plant app also helps you in identifying indoor houseplants, vegetables, herbs, and trees. This app also helps you to discover more details related to the flora in different locations across the world. It also provides links to numerous factsheets related to the plant. - Leafsnap – Plant Identification
Leafsnap is one of the great mobile apps for plant identification. It is one of the user-friendly plant apps. This app will help you to identify 90% of known trees and plants. This app is available for free. Leafsnap app identifies the name of the plant from various parts of the trees or plants like bark, fruit, flower, and leaf. It is best for gardeners and florists.
Once you upload a plant photo the app shows you the list of possible matches available in its database. You can select the one which looks more similar to the plant that you have uploaded in it. It quickly recognizes the photo and shows you the result when compared to other plant identification apps. - Plantsnap
You can identify any type of plant in the world using the Plantsnap app. This app identifies a large variety of species in less than a second with the help of its large database and artificial intelligence. At this time Plantsnap can identify more than 625000 trees, mushrooms, and plants. Install the app and upload the plant photograph to identify its name. This app in partnership with tree.org plants a new plant when an app user shares a new plant picture. They have already planted more than 10,000 trees around the world.
It has both free and premium versions. If you are using the free version then you can take only 25 plant pictures. If you are a person who explores nature then you must buy a premium version to enjoy unlimited snaps. You can also have a separate library for the plant photo which you have photographed. - Seek
Seeks has many other features in addition to identifying the name of the plants. It can recognize animals and photos from the photo by using iNaturalist image recognition technology. This app is the best option for explorers. This app is very simple to use. The only drawback of the app is that the user cannot choose whether the recognition done by the app is successful or a failure.
Even though it has a huge database it sometimes shows a wrong recognition. But they are coming with a new version with more updated features and they have also corrected many errors.
If you do not like to install a separate app for identifying the name of the plant then you can use the google lens app which is an inbuilt app in all the Android ios. This app helps you to identify objects, plants, text, and many more. If you want just to know the name of a specific plant variety then google lens is the best option.
Nowadays people are more enthusiastic in growing indoor plants. It adds a good look to the house and in addition to it, growing some indoor plants will improve your air quality and also remove some toxins that are present inside the house. When you are buying indoor house plants then you can give priority to oxygen producing indoor plants like money plant, Aloe Vera, peace lily and air purifying plants like lucky bamboo, spider plant, Ficus, and bonsai plant.
If you are buying indoor plants from online nurseries then you must be very careful. Buy plants only from the best online plant delivery in India. Taru Vatika is one of the best online nursery for plants. If you are planning to buy indoor plants or if you want to know some information regarding indoor plants then you can contact Taru Vatika.